How Does a karaoke rotation work?

Woman singing karaoke in the rotation.

There are a multitude of ways to effectively work the rotation at a karaoke event, In this blog post, we’re excited to dive into the details and share exactly how we handle the rotation. Get ready to discover the ins and outs of our process!

Most importantly, we stick to the rotation to ensure that everyone gets their chance to shine on stage. While we genuinely appreciate when guests tip us or buy us a drink as a kind gesture, we want to make it clear that those actions won’t result in a faster spot in line. We believe in creating a fun and inclusive environment, making the experience fair for everyone— No favoritism here!

  • Round 1: In the very first round, it’s quite similar to a stop sign—clear and straightforward. First come, first go! As more people continue to show up throughout this initial round, they are added to the back of the rotation.

  • Round 2, 3 and 4: There are two ways we handle the second round. We average 15 to 20 singers in the first round. In the second round, we average 3 to 5 new singers.

    1. On a normal night, when we are pretty busy, we take the order from the first round and start to mix in the new singers. Depending on how many new singers we have, I’ll put one new singer in after two singers from the first round. Our goal is to have everyone sing their first song within 30 to 45 minutes of arriving.

    2. If it’s a slower night, we’ll take the order from the first round and add new singers to the back of the rotation.

Here’s a couple of things to keep in mind.

  • No one likes to wait, especially when the excitement builds and everyone is having a great time. We all want to get up there, let loose and rock out. But we make the rotation fair for everyone, we don’t move up our friends, regulars, or people that tip us.

  • While we don’t mind staying late to get everyone up in the last round, it’s not fair to the bartenders and servers to stay late without talking to them. 90% of the time, they don’t mind, but if people close out there tabs and aren’t tipping, they have no incentive to stay late. Take care of the bartenders and servers, and they will take care of you.


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