About Us

How It All Started

Rad Karaoke all started with a birthday party. I wanted to do something different for my party and I always wanted to try karaoke but was too scared to do it in public. I borrowed some equipment from a friend and rented a hall, we had the best time singing and laughing all night. From that point on I was hooked! I started having karaoke parties at my house, with each party getting bigger and more fun. At this point, I felt a little more comfortable singing in front of people, so I started going out to different karaoke nights. I very quickly realized 3 things

1. Most importantly, People really don’t care if you’re a good singer or not, if you’re having fun, they’ll have fun.

2. Most karaoke nights that I went to had no energy, It was just a bunch of people sitting around waiting for their turn to sing. The Dj didn’t do anything to get the crowd going.

3. The sound sucked! I want to feel like a rock star, you can’t feel like a rock star if some boring Dj calls you up with no enthusiasm and you can barely hear the music, let alone your voice. I always thought if I ever did it I would do it differently.

One day I saw an ad on Facebook looking for a karaoke Dj and I figured it would be fun to try. The guy that hired me supplied some basic equipment and I started. The beginning was rough. I had no idea what I was doing, but I tried to bring the same house party feel to the bar. Luckly people kept coming back and within 2 months the bar was packed every Friday and I started to get a nice following. I learned real quick if you talk to people, bring some energy and keep the rotation moving people have a great time.

I knew I wanted to keep it going, but I would need my own/better equipment. I put every penny I made into buying equipment and decided to start Rad Karaoke and Entertainment. I still didn’t know that much, but I knew I wanted to have the best equipment, the biggest songbook and an amazing atmosphere.

One noticed that I had a bunch of regulars that came in every week, but they would never talk to each other.  So, I started to introduce everyone to each other and that’s when it went from a fun night to that house party feeling.

Then the pandemic happened, and everything shut down. To keep myself from going crazy I turned my garage into a karaoke bar and every Friday a small group of friends would come over and we would have a fire in my driveway and sing karaoke in the garage all night. It really was awesome.

Once things started to open again, I knew I wanted to get back out there and go even bigger. I’m very lucky that things fell into place and I settled into Kings Corner On Mondays and The Black Horse Tavern on Fridays with the help of their amazing owners and staff.



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