Rad Karaoke Wheel Of Death

The Rad Karaoke Wheel Of Death features 12 numbers, each correlating to 12 popular songs from different genres, one list for males and one list for females. Once the wheel stops on a number, you have to sing that song. All singers who take a spin on the Wheel of Death get a prize! At the end of the night, there's a grand prize for the standout male and female performances. Whenever we bring out the legendary Wheel of Death, it becomes an instant hit, and both singers and non-singers absolutely love it!

Here are a couple of important things to keep in mind:

  1. Remember, no one cares if you sing well, just have fun!

  2. We have one list for male singers and one for female singers. You can pick from either list.

  3. Everyone knows you don’t know the song and that’s the fun of it.

  4. We can add the vocals back into the song, so you just have to sing along with it. These are popular songs, so you’ll probably know the chorus.

  5. When we have the Wheel Of Death out, you don’t have to use it. It’s just for anyone that wants to try something new and have a little fun.

  6. If you choose to spin the wheel, that counts as your turn. If you decide not to sing the song, you lose your turn in that round.

  7. When filling out the karaoke slip, just write Wheel and your name.


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