How To Position The Mic When Singing karaoke

Hold the microphone about 2 to 6 inches from your mouth.

There is a sweet spot for everyone when it comes to microphone distance. Generally, you want to keep the mic about 2 to 6 inches from your face for the best sound quality. If you have a softer voice, starting with 2 inches is recommended, while those with a more powerful voice may opt to begin closer to 6 inches for optimal performance.

Positioning the mic correctly will dramatically increase your sound quality.

Sing into the top of the mic, not the side.

While you never want to cup the microphone, you do want to make sure you’re singing into the top of the mic so the mic can pick up your full voice during your karaoke performance. Singing into the side is just as bad as singing to far away. The microphone is designated to pick up sounds coming straight through the top, singing into the side will result in the mic only picking up some of your voice.

Adjust your mic placement during each song.

When singing most songs you need to raise and lower the volume of your voice as the song goes on. When singing the soft parts, move the mic closer to your face, when singing the louder parts move the mic further away. Doing this will help keep a nice even tone

Remember, holding the microphone properly can make a big difference in how your voice comes across to the audience. Next Time you sing karaoke try moving the microphone around in the 2 to 6 inch range and see what sounds best.


How to hold the microphone When Singing Karaoke


Karaoke etiquette