Karaoke etiquette

Have Fun, Karaoke isn’t about how good of a singer you are, it’s about having fun!

Be Supportive

It can be quite challenging to muster the courage to stand up in front of a crowd and belt out a tune. Remember, it's essential to show support for each performer by giving them a round of applause after their performance.

Don’t interrupt another singer

If you would like to sing with someone, ask before the song starts. Never just go up and start singing with someone or ask the Dj for an extra mic, it’s their time to shine.

Don’t ask the Dj to move you up in the rotation

Everyone has to wait for their turn to sing. Typically, we have about 15 to 25 people in each round, with songs running for about 4 minutes each. Consequently, each round usually lasts for an hour to an hour and a half. While Dj’s understand your eagerness to perform and your time constraints, it wouldn't be fair to others in the rotation if we were to rearrange the order to suit one person.

Don’t touch the Dj’s equipment or go behind the Dj booth

Dj’s take great care in the upkeep of their equipment, investing both funds and pride in ensuring their top quality sound. If there is a problem of any kind tell the Dj and they move take care of it.

Never put your drink on the equipment

Our average speaker costs $500 and our average subwoofer costs $1200, the average cost of our entire set up is over $4,000. You’re there to have a great time, the last thing you want is to spend hundreds of dollars replacing equipment.

No religion or politics

This is self explanatory, karaoke isn’t the place for it. No one cares what your opinions are, just go and have fun!

Don’t get to drunk

Drinking and karaoke go hand and hand and while karaoke isn’t about how well you sing, no one wants to hear someone that’s too drunk get up and sing.

Don’t give a speech or try to be funny on the mic

Remember not everyone has the same opinions and sense of humor as you. Just get up, sing your song and have fun!


How To Position The Mic When Singing karaoke


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